Photo archive takes to airwaves to promote launch
Posted Monday, March 4, 2019 by Chris Leggett under News

The Express & Star’s new digital photo archive was the hot topic when the project was featured on BBC WM’s breakfast show.
MNA marketing and communications director Chris Leggett joined hosts Sam and Daz on Monday to discuss the historic photographs being shared with the public for free.
Around 3,000 images of the history of the industrial past of the Black Country and its surrounding areas have been digitised for future generations and published on the website:
The Express & Star Photographic Collection partnership, co-ordinated by the MNA with the University of Wolverhampton and council-run City Archives, received a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to produce a website and digitise photographs dating back over the past century.
The work realises the partnership’s ambition of making the photos available through a single web portal, allowing free on-line public access to the unrivalled images of local events, momentous and every day, for the first time.
You can listen again here until roughly the end of March 2019: (2hrs 21mins 30 sec mark):
The project has received coverage from a number of external websites since its launch on Monday March 4:
BBC News:
Wolverhampton University: