White Ladies
D-EXP/P/W67 1951 - 1961 Wolverhampton Archives
These photographs have been catalogued and digitised thanks to the kind generosity and support of Kathy and Patricia Hughes.
D-EXP/P/W67 1951 - 1961 Wolverhampton Archives
These photographs have been catalogued and digitised thanks to the kind generosity and support of Kathy and Patricia Hughes.
D-EXP/P/W67/1 Sep 1951 Wolverhampton Archives
Buried in 1669.
D-EXP/P/W67/4 26 Mar 1960 Wolverhampton Archives
The ruins were associated with King Charles II’s escape from the Roundheads in 1651.
D-EXP/P/W67/3 12 Sep 1956 Wolverhampton Archives
Myrrh plants growing by two nun’s graves.
D-EXP/P/W67/5 1961 Wolverhampton Archives
A combine harvester, with the ruins of the priory in the background.
D-EXP/P/W67/2 13 Sep 1954 Wolverhampton Archives
Near Boscobel House.
D-EXP/P/W67/6 no date Wolverhampton Archives