“Sowphisticated”, by Erica Forster, Wolverhampton Art Gallery
D-EXP/P/W65/104 undated Wolverhampton Archives
The photograph shows a photographer taking a picture of the sculpture, with “Vulture” by Mirella Paganuzzi alongside.
D-EXP/P/W65/104 undated Wolverhampton Archives
The photograph shows a photographer taking a picture of the sculpture, with “Vulture” by Mirella Paganuzzi alongside.
D-EXP/P/W65/105 undated Wolverhampton Archives
D-EXP/P/W65/106 undated Wolverhampton Archives
D-EXP/P/W65/102 undated Wolverhampton Archives
“Vulture” a sculpture by Mirella Paganuzzi.
D-EXP/P/W65/103 undated Wolverhampton Archives
D-EXP/P/W65/101 undated Wolverhampton Archives
An external corner view.
D-EXP/P/W65/98 c. 1994 Wolverhampton Archives
The photograph shows the exterior, with a “St Peter’s Treasures” banner over the entrance.
D-EXP/P/W65/99 20 Mar 1995 Wolverhampton Archives
The photograph shows Mariella Marzano and Helen Clews in creations by Jo Bickler and Paula Abbis.
D-EXP/P/W65/100 undated Wolverhampton Archives
An external corner view.
D-EXP/P/W65/95 15 Aug 1994 Wolverhampton Archives
Part of the exhibition featured coloured sheets of transparency paper on a light box, where children could build up their own pictures. The photograph shows Brett Simpson from Chapel Ash.