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FH Lloyd Engineering Steels, James Bridge, Darlaston

D-EXP/P/I43/80 27 Apr 1990 Wolverhampton Archives

The last steel making plant in the Black Country was closing down. David Clarke is quoted and South Yorkshire is mentioned. The photograph shows Bill Harris (right) of Round Oak Road, Wednesbury saying goodbye to Alan Johnson.

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Arley Ferry, River Severn

D-EXP/P/A8/2 30 Jul 1970 Wolverhampton Archives

Work was under way to build a footbridge across the river, so that visitors would not have to wait for the ferry. Mr W. R. Thomson is quoted, and Worcestershire County Council is mentioned. A later article states that the work on the footbridge had been h

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Wolverhampton Civic Centre

D-EXP/P/B36/71 5 Mar 1980 Wolverhampton Archives

West Midlands County Council, Wolverhampton Council, British Steel and the Common Market unveiled a multi-million pound plan to bring back jobs lost when British Steel shut its plant in Bilston, including building an industrial estate. The photograph show

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T & A Metals, steel suppliers, Kings Norton business park

D-EXP/P/I44/1 4 Aug 1993 Wolverhampton Archives

The firm had moved into the business park, owned by Slough Estates. Chesterton and DTZ Debenham Thorpe of Birmingham are mentioned. The photograph shows (left to right) Simon Spencer, Audrey Reilly, Carole Taylor and Nick Clive.

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British Steel, London Works, Tipton

D-EXP/P/I32/224 19 May 1983 Wolverhampton Archives

Redundant steelworkers were retraining in City and Guild electronics servicing at the Round Oak Steelworkers Electronic Training Centre. Chris Harrison is mentioned. The photograph shows (from left) Roy Chamberlain, Paul Mansell, Stan White, Michael Tomki

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British Steel, Round Oak Steelworks, Brierley Hill

D-EXP/P/I32/232 13 Apr 1983 Wolverhampton Archives

Millionaires Don and Roy Richardson pledged to bring work and industry to the redundant steelworks site. The Urban Wildlife Group is mentioned, and the photograph shows Gerry Southall (left) handing Don Richardson a petition to preserve Merry Hill Farm.

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British Steel, Cookley Steelworks, Brockmoor, Brierley Hill

D-EXP/P/I32/257 25 Aug 1978 Wolverhampton Archives

The factory was evacuated after hydrofluoric acid escaped, emiting potentially lethal fumes across housing estates and a nearby service station. The Health and Safety Executive is mentioned.

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British Steel, Round Oak Steelworks, Brierley Hill

D-EXP/P/I32/425 22 Dec 1982 Wolverhampton Archives

Twice the usual number of workers came to witness the last firing of the two giant furnaces. The photograph shows Joe Jones (seated centre front) with colleagues.