Lowe and Fletcher, lock assembly, Bilston
D-EXP/P/I43/98 25 Nov 1968 Wolverhampton Archives
Opening of a new assembly workshop following a fire.
D-EXP/P/I43/98 25 Nov 1968 Wolverhampton Archives
Opening of a new assembly workshop following a fire.
D-EXP/P/Q2/18 1 Aug 1969 Wolverhampton Archives
Residents of the Springfield estate were campaigning to close the quarry after damage caused to their properties by hurtling rocks.
D-EXP/P/R75/6 14 Oct 1975 Wolverhampton Archives
The photograph shows Irene Cresswell handing over a petition to Councillor Larkin.
D-EXP/P/E29/11 7 May 1970 Wolverhampton Archives
The Civic Hall was displaying new illuminated results boards for the local elections.
D-EXP/P/I51/33 16 Apr 1982 Wolverhampton Archives
The photograph shows Bert Lycett (left) and Peter Wyer.
D-EXP/P/I37/120 27 Aug 1968 Wolverhampton Archives
A new two-storey all-timber car showroom and office block.
D-EXP/P/W1W/78 25 Aug 1969 Wolverhampton Archives
Vandalism to the fountain was costing the Hammerson development a fortune. Arthur Tosler is quoted, and Loomba Fashions is mentioned.
D-EXP/P/W1M/7 13 Nov 1972 Wolverhampton Archives
Apparently this bank was seen as less intimidating than Lloyds Bank.
D-EXP/P/W1Q/51 16 Aug 1976 Wolverhampton Archives
The Prince Albert statue adorned with beer glasses.
D-EXP/P/W1Q/46 31 May 1973 Wolverhampton Archives
The Ladbrokes bookmakers, on the corner with North Street.